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Micro Loan
The Micro Loan Program was one of the first services offered by EquipALife. This program provides the opportunity for a low-interest loan to disabled individuals needing financial assistance to pay for the Assistive Technology devices and services they need. After receipt of the loan the individual is able to make payments with an installment plan that fits their budget.
Telework Program
Nationwide more than 40% of adults with disabilities are unemployed. Many lack the resources necessary to gain employment and face barriers that impede the employment process. In many cases, people with disabilities are unable to access needed equipment to facilitate employment. People with disabilities lack the financial resources to purchase computers and related equipment that would facilitate alternative employment options such as telecommuting. Nationally, only 25% of people with disabilities own computers compared to 55% of U.S. adults.
AgrAbility Program
The Minnesota AgrAbility Project is a partnership with the University of Minnesota - Extension Services and EquipAlife to promote, maintain and increase productivity in our farming community. Assistive Technology Devices, Services and Supports are important as we help build strong viable family and individual production agriculture businesses.
Fees for Services
Fees for Services
Services are provided by licensed professionals who have knowledge and experience ion the Assistive Technology field.
Equipment Lending & Demonstration
If you are in need of equipment to live, work or play as independently as possible, EquipALife offers a device lending and demonstration program just for you.
EquipALife works with charities to provide much needed AT equipment to people in need who have exhausted all other available financial resources.